Melissa & Mike had been trying to get pregnant for a while. Their prayers were answered when their own little miracle arrived.
Read MoreSeniors, you’re about to embark on your own path and make your mark on this world. But looking back, will your senior portraits be as memorable? Cambree’s will.
Read MoreI've been rather unsocial on social media lately. It puts me in the WORST mood. Sometimes, you just have to focus on what's important in life, like family, rain showers, and a grace from above.
Read MoreBirth photography isn't just for those who want to go viral and be InstaFamous. Here's eight reasons why you, too should hire a birth photographer for your delivery.
Read MoreBrandon remembers the first time he ever saw Alyssa. It was love at first sight. They married in July 2010 and welcomed their first son, Will, in October 2015. In 2017, they were expecting again. This is the birth story of Wyatt Brooks.
Read MoreFrom a single mom who has been in your shoes, I just want to let you know that it's OK to be overwhelmed and this new mom thing gets better.
Read MoreListening to music is highly recommended during the birth process. We've got a mix of tunes for your birth on Spotify so you don't have to worry about searching for songs.
Read MoreMy neighbor said I was fat. I didn't get mad; I ook this as an opportunity to help other women love the skin they're in.
Read MoreI have always loved wandering around the Fairmont neighborhood, and knowing Robin's personality, it was the perfect place to photograph her and her girls.
Read MoreFlood damaged memories of loved ones and life events that cannot be replaced. Before you give them up and throw these prized possessions away, here are a few ways to help salvage those precious memories.
Read MoreWhen Hallie came to me for her senior photos, she wanted something differentand fun and bright that blended her personality with her love of all things sparkly and glam. So of course, I have some words of wisdom for some words of wisdom for you seniors.
Read MoreAfter a PCOS diagnosis and the possibility not being able to have children, Chelsea and Jon welcomed their beautiful little princess to the world.
Read MoreAfter her new baby had to spend some time int the NICU, The Ervins decided to turn her New Arrival session into a Life As We Know It family photojournalism session and document the moments and they love the most.
Read MoreWhen you are married to a high school coach, you become part of a much larger family that gets together every Friday night. We celebrate life's wins and losses together, and this season, we're celebrating the arrival of Ryker James!
Read MoreEvery woman has one or should have one. If only everything else in life was so simple and elegant, like home decor.
Read MoreYou are in love. You've been dreaming of this day forever. Happily Ever After begins here!
Read MoreI am often asked 'why birth photography?' The answer is simple:My own birth story.
Read MoreLast week was World Doula Week. They really deserve a month. As a birth photographer, I love them. They are the greatest partner when it comes to your birth. For both you and me.
Read MoreWhen Rachel and I discussed the details of her birth story, she said her other children weren't going to be there. Births are about family, so we couldn't leave the story hanging. Here's the rest of the story!
Read MoreNo birth goes according to plan. An emergency C-section leaves Seth and newborn Samuel to tell a story all their own.
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