Dani’s Birth Story: Embracing the Birth Center experience after 3 hospital births


Some women make childbirth look effortless, and Dani is certainly one of them. With three unmedicated hospital births under her belt, she could be the poster child for easy, natural labor. 

I have photographed all of her children’s births and have always been in awe of Dani.  Even at 10 centimeters, she stays calm and in control, so much so that it appears as if she is still in the early stages of labor. 

woman laboring in a birth tub with the support of her husband providing counter pressure relief from behind.

Although all her hospital experiences have been wonderful, birth centers have always intrigued Dani.  For her fourth baby, she decided to switch things up and experience the beauty of a birth center birth.

close up photograph of a mother's baby bump in a water birth with dripping water creating rings in the water.
Collage of photographs of a birthing woman being supported and refocused by her husband during and emotional moment during labor.

A History of Empowered Births

For her previous hospital births, Dani made intentional choices that supported her vision of an unmedicated, mobile labor. She opted out of IVs and continuous monitoring, allowing her to move freely and find the most comfortable positions.

collage of photographs of birth mother with midwife and husband support during temperature fluxuations due to horomones.

Her husband, Chris, has always been her rock, providing unwavering support through each birth. With a quick labor pattern, she never spent long hours in the hospital—her babies arrived swiftly and smoothly.

photo of a baby bump with natural light falling over it

Choosing a Birth Center for Baby #4

Birth Centers appealed to Dani for a few different reasons: a more relaxed setting, a birth tub for comfort, the beautiful photographs of water birth, and the ability to return home to her own bed soon after delivery without the constant medical checks (because nothing is more frustrating than finally falling asleep only to be awakened for a vitals check). She was fortunate to have the same trusted birth team that had been with her for her last hospital birth, ensuring she had the same level of support and care.

two images, the first of a laboring mother and her partner resting between contractions close to each other; the second, an overhead shot into the tub, highlighting the mother's baby bump and legs stretched out in the birth tub

As her contractions started, Dani labored in the comfort of her own home till she was met with the familiar feeling that things were progressing. 

Early at four in the early morning of December 27th, She made the call and soon her doula, Sabrina Harroun of So This Is Love Doula and I were headed to the midwives at Wichita Falls Birth & Wellness Center.

Collage of woman pushing and delivering her baby in a birth tub.

A Peaceful, Short-Lived Departure

With her three older children still sound asleep in bed, Dani and Chris made their way to the birth center. True to form, labor progressed quickly, and before long, they welcomed their fourth baby into the world at 8:52 a.m. The peaceful water birth she had envisioned became a reality. At 8 lbs, 2 ozs and 21 inches long, Kollins Grace was a precious little bundle resembled each one of her older siblings on the day they were born with every turn of her head.

Collage of father cutting the cord of his newborn daughter and her baby face.

In just a few short hours, after a little time bonding and recouping from the marathon of birth, they were back home—right after breakfast.

College of photographs of mother bonding with her newborn baby after birth.
Close up photography of newborn baby winking
Photography measuring the length of a newborn baby.
Collage of photos of midwives taking baby foot prints, measurements, and vitals checks.

A Sweet Surprise for the Whole Family

One of the most exciting parts of this birth was the surprise element—no one, not even Dani and Chris, knew whether they were welcoming a little boy or girl. Their older children were thrilled to meet their new sibling. Big brother was secretly hoping for a baseball buddy to even out the numbers, but when they introduced their beautiful baby girl, his heart instantly melted.

collage of photographs of older siblings meeting their newborn baby sister at home.

Now, as a family of six, they’re embracing this new chapter with love and joy. Dani’s journey from hospital births to a birth center experience is a testament to the beauty of choice in childbirth. Whether in a hospital or birth center, the most important thing is feeling supported, empowered, and surrounded by love.

Photo collage of oldest big sister holding her newborn baby sister for the first time.
Collage of the youngest sibling holding the newborn sister and crying when they take the baby away for someone else's turn.
collage of older brother holding and snuggling his newborn sister.
collage of photos of family fawning over their newborn baby that was born that morning.

Interested in birth photography for your own upcoming birth experience?