Birth & Life Photography

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Paul Curtis III: A Dallas Birth Story

The birth of Paul Curtis III was awe-inspiring. There is no other word to describe it. It was beautifully joyful, but what really captivated me was Rashida’s power and control during her birth despite transferring from home to hospital for delivery.

Rashida and Paul had planned home birth with DFW Birth Collective’s midwife, Amanda Prouty. Hospitals made her uneasy and she wanted to be in the comfort of her own home with the freedom to move about as she pleased, not connected to IVs and monitors.

Four days past her due date, at three o’clock in the morning, Rashida’s water broke. She spent the day with her family and doula, contractions coming off and on.

Early in the evening, midwife Amanda joined her. Contractions were coming five minutes apart but were not staying consistent. As the sun set, her contractions had almost stopped completely. They took a few walks around their apartment complex in hopes her contractions would pick up.

As the time passed waiting for contractions to return, Rashida’s blood pressure began to rise. With the length of time since her water had broken combined with stalled contractions and elevated blood pressure, her midwife grew concerned. Blood pressure is nothing to take lighting, having the ability to turn risky at any moment.

After a bit of discussion between Paul, Rashida, and Amanda, the decision to transfer to the hospital was made. As a pilot and flight attendant, Paul and Rashida’s bags are always at the ready. They threw a few last-minute items and baby things in their bags, hugged their family goodbye, and headed to Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas.

Upon arrival, Rashida made her birth preferences known - she didn’t want to be hooked up if she didn’t have to be. The nurse-midwife and nurse agreed - they could easily just come in to monitor every so often to ensure mom and baby were doing ok.

After Rashida got settled in, exhaustion got the better of both her and Paul. It was just time to turn out the lights and rest for a bit. When the nurse returned to get vitals, Rashida’s blood pressure had returned to normal and baby’s beats were perfect.

As Rashida relaxed, her contractions picked up with increased frequency. She worked through each one with poise and grace, in a way I have never witnessed in a birth before. Watching her labor with such control and calm, advocating for herself and her birth plan was most inspiring.

Soon, everyone was awake as Rashida moved through a few different positions and techniques to help labor progress. It did not take long; for just a few hours later, Rashida knew she was ready to push.

As a learning hospital, a team of doctors quickly joined the room. And just as fast as they had arrived, Paul Curtis III did, too!

This beautiful boy, weighing seven pounds, 12 ounces, and measuring 20 ¾ inches long, brought so much joy to this family.

As Paul I and Paul II looked down upon Paul III, Paul I quoted a song by Maze, “These happy feelin's, I'll spread them all over the world.” To which Paul II replied, that song has been in my head this whole time. ❤️

Congratulations, Paul and Rashida! Thank you for inviting me into your birth space to capture your beautiful, awe-inspiring birth. I pray for the most beautiful life as parenthood and can’t wait to see how God uses this beautiful baby in powerful ways.

View the Whole Birth Story