Birth & Life Photography

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Be Memorable: Cambree's Senior Portraits

Let's be real, seniors.  You can't wait for graduation.

Not only are you looking forward to a summer of freedom, you are about to head off to complete freedom.  No more curfews. No bedtimes.  No approvals needed to hang out with friends, for what clothes you wear, or where you are going, etc. 

No permission to pursue your dreams.  

This is your firsts real opportunity to buck the status quo and make your mark on the world.  Why blend in, baby, when you were born to stand out!  

Maybe you already started that in high school. Maybe you chose to march to the beat of your own drum these last four years.  If you did, I applaud you with a standing ovation.  High school is hard! It is much easier to blend in unnoticed than pave your own way. Why break social norms to be yourself? Too risky?  Or do you risk yourself?

Did you follow the trends and do the same as others? Or have you dared to be different? To set a new standard for others to live up to.   To say yes when everyone else says no, and vice versa.  If you look around, the truly memorable people rarely blend in. 

Be memorable. 

When Cambree planned her senior photographs, the last thing she wanted to do was what everyone else was doing.  She didn't need or want to follow the class with the same locations and colors and posing. 

She didn't just dare to be different.  She demanded it.

While these photographs commemorate one milestone in Cambree's life, each one celebrates so much more.  Her photographs document her youth and her truth, her style, and beauty.  Most importantly, they celebrate her next steps.  They will forever document the memorability of Cambree Bookout, now and in for generations. 

Seniors, ask your mom, cousin, aunt, WHOMEVER where their senior photos are kept.  Chances are they are they are either in a closet, a drawer or they never even made it off the disk.  

Cambree's won't.  Cambree's senior photos will stay out on display. For life. For generations.

This is the sole reason I do senior sessions differently.  Deep down in my heart can't let you stand in front of my camera and take the same cliche photographs as everyone else in your class.  Because I know that in five years, you will be sticking that photo in the closet.  Together we craft your senior session to differentiate you from the rest of your class.  Each photograph a testament to you, your style and spirit in a way that is not only timeless and glamorous but memorable. 

From outfit consultation and unique location to flawless face by our professional makeup artist Melissa, Cambree's session was planned special, just for her.  Only her.

Because Cambree is memorable.  And you should be, too.

So here's to your future, seniors, and the path you pave for yourself.  May you choose to live life in a way that sets your soul on fire! Be memorable wherever you go.


If you aren't afraid to be memorable, you can learn more about our portraits sessions at the link below.