Birth & Life Photography

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Adeline Louise: A Birth Story

Second babies are special, especially from second-time clients.

When Ashley reached out to tell me she was pregnant again, I was thrilled! I loved being part of her first birth experience but I knew this time would be different for her - as second experiences often are.

With her first baby, Ashley was filled with anxiety throughout her pregnancy and was induced almost a month early for health concerns. Her labor was long and tiring; she was looking forward to experiencing labor and contractions on her body's own terms for this pregnancy. Ashley started off ahead of the game with a nutritionist and care from Texas Health Nurse Midwife Care (formerly known as Acclaim Midwives). With a proper plan to ensure her baby would grow and she stayed healthy, her anxiety stayed at bay and Ashley was confident she would carry this baby full-term with labor beginning on it's own.

As Ashley's due date approached, she was prepared. Their hospital bags were packed, they had a plan and a backup plan for their first child. All she had to do was wait. And then, right on her due date, her contractions started.

And then they stopped.

After two days of prodromal labor, the contracts had tapered off and all the pressure she had been feeling was gone. She was feeling defeated. The midwives had already scheduled an induction for the following Friday, but that wasn't what Ashley wanted. She was worried about a repeat of the intervention cascade she experienced with Prue, her first baby.

With a gentle reminder that she could say no to the induction, she focused on trying to relax and take her mind off where she was in the marathon of labor.

Two more days later, Ashley met with the midwives. Her body was showing signs of progression and she reset a possible induction date to the following Monday, making her feel more comfortable with the team birth plan. And then the very next day, at 1 am...

Her water broke!

And then the worst news came... Phillip's EMT partner tested positive for Covid. Phillip had been exposed!

As Ashley's anxiety picked up, her contractions slowed to a stop. She moved to her mother-in-law's house to try and relax while Philip ran to get tested.

Ashley's contractions picked up and slowed down and picked up again. Her plan was to labor at home as long as possible, but with her water broken, she decided she would head to the hospital after lunch if her contractions did not pick up.

A few hours later, I sent a text to check on her. Phillip responded - they had let him into the hospital with a mask and a negative test!

It was a busy baby day at the Texas Health Harris Methodist Labor & Delivery. The rooms were all full when they got there. As they waited for a room, Ashley's contractions picked up and picked up fast! As I rushed to the hospital, Phillip continued to update me. Ashley was progressing faster and faster.

At 4:49 p.m. as I rode the elevator up to Labor & Delivery floor, Phillip sent a text. "She's at 5 and 90%."

As I walked into the room, I could immediately see the difference in experience for Ashley from Prue's birth to this one. She was comfortable between contractions, she was rested; you could see the joy in her face.

Then, just as fast as her active labor began, Adeline Lousie arrived at 6:00 pm. She was absolutely beautiful and healthy, weighing 6 pounds and 15.5 ounces and meaturing 22 inches long.

Ashley and Phillip were so glad to see her.

And so was big sister Prue! She was so very excited to meet her new baby sister and she missed her mommy - even though she was having a great time with her grandparents.

Prue immediately climbed into Ashley's lap, the secret to successful sibling meet & greets with little ones. Then, like a big girl, Prue held out her arms to hold her new little sister Adeline. You could tell in an instant that she was going to be a great big sister and helper.

Congratulations, Clark Family!

Watch Adeline’s Birth Story Here

Expecting a little addition to your family? Don’t miss the memories with our All-Inclusive Birth Photography.