Birth & Life Photography

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What is a doula?

It’s different than you think.

I love a good doula. I really do. They do so much for mothers during their pregnancy that their value really can’t be measured. But for many expectant mothers-to-be, you may be wondering - what is a doula and why do I need one?

I’m happy to feature a blog post written by one of my favorite doulas, Barbara Davis of Birth Fort Worth, who gives a little insight into what a doula does for you.

Birth is profound.

Your birth experience is a story you will carry with you for the rest of your life. With the right support, birth can and should be a truly remarkable experience in every pregnant person’s life!

A study was done of women in the late 60s to early 70s. Twenty women were asked to write and tell their birth stories shortly after their births; 20 years later, they were asked to do the same.

The women reported that the memories were incredibly vivid and deeply felt (imagine that!). The study also found that “those with the highest long-term satisfaction ratings thought that they accomplished something important, that they were in control, and that the birth experience contributed to their self-confidence and self-esteem.”

Who better to contribute to a laboring person’s confidence and self-esteem than a kick ass doula reminding them how awesomely strong they are?

You see, a doula contributes to the feeling of empowerment a person feels during their birthing experience. We help individuals own that experience by reminding them to take control.

No matter the outcome of their birth, vaginal vs cesarean, medicated vs unmedicated, when a laboring person feels heard and respected, their feelings about that experience will be drastically different than a person who didn’t get that same respect.

Being an active participant in your own birth will help you to feel empowered and that will change how you feel about your birth!

No matter the outcome, things weren’t “done to you”. You were a part of the process and had a say in what happened to your body and your birth. Doulas give you the tools you need and remind you of the power of your own voice.

You’ve got this…and we’ve got you!

Known for helping expectant parents prepare for birth with their Your Best Birth Class™, our About to Pop! Workshops, Family Safety Happy Hour, Birth Fort Worth has been voted Best Doula in Fort Worth 2017, 2018 & 2019 by readers of Fort Worth Child Magazine!

Have more questions about doulas and what they can do for your birth experience? Barbara & the doulas hold new client consults on Fridays from 1-6pm, by appointment.